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Designer Account

Welcome to your Designer User Account! Let's explore the different sections and features available to you:

  • Create New Sewing Pattern: Click this link to start designing your own sewing patterns. It will take you directly to the working space of the Pattern Designer.
  • Documentation: Access a comprehensive list of functions and other valuable information about the sewing pattern design language.
  • Manual: Read helpful articles written by Sewist that provide examples of coded sewing patterns for various styles and size groups. These articles will guide you in coding your own patterns.
  • Your Subscription: View details about your current subscription and explore options to upgrade if you want access to more advanced features.

Now, let's look at the next set of links:

  • My Library: Access your personal collection of sewing patterns that you have created. This is where you can store and easily find your designs.
  • Templates: Explore pre-coded sewing patterns created by Sewist staff and other users, following widely accepted pattern drafting methods. You can include these templates in your code and use them as a foundation for your new projects.
  • Sample Patterns: Discover sewing patterns created by Sewist staff to demonstrate various drafting features. You can copy the code from these patterns and use it as a reference for your own projects.

  • Mix-and-Match: Use the automatic pattern code compiler to combine different pattern features and create unique designs effortlessly.
  • Size Guide: Access information on size measurement constants and anthropometric landmarks. This will help you ensure accurate fitting for different body sizes when creating your sewing patterns.
  • Videos: Watch educational Sewist videos and pattern drafting simulations to learn more about the software and improve your pattern design skills.

That's it! Your Designer User Account offers these features and resources to support your sewing pattern design journey. Start exploring and have fun designing your perfectly fitting garments!

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Sewist CAD - Sewing Pattern Design Software

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Explore Code-Based Design for Sewing Pattern Making