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Blouse with a collar and bow

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Nombre Blouse with a collar and bow
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Iniciado 15/10/2015
Completado 17/10/2015
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Notas Before the weather turns cold, I wanted to make one last light-weight cotton blouse. I chose Lekala 4452 for it’s vintage style and simplicity. There are only 5 pattern pieces, and no zipper, buttons, or facings. Easy as pie! From my stash, I used a piece of light-weight vintage fabric left over from a dress I made a few years ago. I like to try all patterns out in muslin or in an inexpensive fabric the first time I make them. Then I can fine-tune the fit and resolve any issues before I make it in quality fabric. My favorite way to receive Lekala Patterns is to order the copy shop size and have them printed on large paper. The line drawings turn out so nicely and the paper is quite sturdy. It only cost me around $4.00 or $5.oo to have a print made. A copy shop that has a large format printer used for architect drafts is a good choice. I have a pictorial "how to" make this blouse with tips and tricks on my blog. You are welcome to stop by! Blouse with a Bow Happy Sewing! Barbara at
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  • /user/Marie1955

    Marie1955 en 02/11/2015

    The fit looks perfect. Very nice choice of fabric. Love the button decorations in your sewing room!