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Red and Black Wedding Rings

About this project
Name Red and Black Wedding Rings
Status finished
Recipient Etsy
Size 40x50
Started Jan 1, 2013
Completed May 11, 2014
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes Bought these tops off eBay to practice using my longarm. They're baby quilt sized, but they're hand-pieced, so we'll see how well that goes. 3/8/14: Red and black is on the frame! Doing some smallish meandering in the "footballs" and a single feather in the centers. That may be it. So glad I've had some opportunities to do some practice feathers lately! 3/10/14: Done quilting! Still have to bury a mess of ends and finish the binding, but I'm so close!! 5/11/14: Done, done, done! Not sure what I'll do with it now, but it's finished and I got some good feather practice. Guess I'll pack it away and pull it out when there's a baby to gift it to.
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