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Hearts and Flowers Hug

À propos de ce projet
Nom Hearts and Flowers Hug
Statut terminé
Destinaire Denise
Taille 60" x 60"
Début 30 mai 2010
Terminé 21 juil. 2010
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes 4m of main fabric to line both the bag and also back the quilt, 2m fabric for the sashing, fat quarters for each of the blocks.
Dimensions: Each square is 12 inches across. The sashing is half an inch wide, as is the padded binding. The bag is 26 inches deep and 20 inches across with padded handles which can be worn over the shoulder. The quilt is approx 60" x 60".Note one fat quarter will make a block and also a square for the bag. The hearts and flowers motifs are made from the fabric cut from the fat quarters to make the hearts and flowers shapes for the written messages. Doing it this way is rather fussy, but it means that dark or really bright fabric can be used without the danger that the pattern will be seen behind the writing. I also like my fabric to go as far as possible and abhore waste. (I must admit to saving every little scrap to use in future projects.)2nd June: I started this project a few days ago. It is for a friend undergoing chemotherapy. No photos for now. I shall post them when the quilt has been handed over.The quilt will have a number of written messages of support on it from the Quilt Group we both belong to.5th June: A dear friend, Wendy, has given me some lovely fabric to use as the back for each of the blocks. What generosity! There must be about four metres!!! The blocks will be worked quilt-as-you-go.6th June: Last night Jude, another friend, came round to the house with a carrier bag full of fabric I can use for this quilt. How kind!This morning, cut out the sqaures of backing fabric and the squares of wadding ready for basting these together.Had thoughts about making a simple bag for the quilt using fabric not used for the main quilt........... Hmmm. There is a pattern somewhere (Lyn Edwards?) for a baby's quilt with a bag which can be used to carry the quilt. The design is of sheep. (I have a friend making this for a couple in New Zealand.) The handles can be pushed inside the bag when the quilt is folded up, so the whole thing can also be uised as a pillow. Such a good idea.7th June: Finished basting the ten squares this morning. Now ready to start quilting. Need to review how to use invisible thread next................14th June: Started quilting the squares last night. Decided against invisible thread. Just don't like the thought of anything happening to the quilt when it is being made for someone else. I am using YLI threads to match the main colour of each square. I think I shall try the invisible thread for a project of my own, so I can test it out before using it for someone else.16th June: A teaser of a photo, but at least it shows that some quilting is underway. This is just a closeup of my walking foot, the quilting guide is hidden away on the other side of the foot.17th June: Yesterday, got to the stage of having quilted eight of the original ten blocks. At quilt group, I was given a lot more fabric and some more messages to be added to the quilt. I am just waiting for the last two to be completed and then I can get under way with the remaining blocks. Does it sound silly to say how privileged I feel to be able to make this quilt?22nd June: There are now twenty five squares to this quilt. That makes it roughly 60 inches square. A nice size. The fifteen new blocks are slowly being topstitched and then will be quilted. I am just waiting for the last of the messages to arrive. Once that is placed on a square I shall be able to really get moving with this quilt. Not sure which fabric to use for the sashing..................26th June: Now able to get on with getting the main body of the quilting done. Still need to sort out what to use as sashing.1st July: Well, thanks to Jude, the material for the sashing has been chosen. It is a pinky-purple paisley design which is from my stash. A lucky find from Abakhan - a big piece this, there is around 4 yards, so rather more than I shall need. What a relief. I just could not choose - spoilt for choice! I have now quilted 14 of the twenty-five blocks.7th July: All twenty-five of the blocks are now quilted. I completed the sashing of the first row of five blocks last night. All the hand sewing has now been completed on that row too. It is now ready to attach to the second row. I shall start on this later today. In teh end I haven't used the pink fabric chosen by Jude. I felt it made the whole quilt too samey, if you understand what I m,ean. Instead, I have gone for a light green paisley design which also has small flowers throughout.I have given myself a deadline - the next quilt group meeting. This will be held on the 21st of July.19th July: Well, all the quilting is complete. I have completed the sashing too. Two of the binding edges are stitched and the final two ready to be added. The handles of the bag I intend to make to hold the quilt are pinned and ready to sew. I had better get back to work.22nd July: Completed the last little bit of handstitching on the top of the bag yesterday afternoon. The quilt, inside it's bag was presented to Denise at last night's meeting. She was overwhelmed! Brings tears to my eyes as I type. I was so relieved that she liked it!Final note: (Unless I have forgotten something.) Please let me know if anyone wants to use this pattern. I could put all the information together for you - but would ask for a donation to be given to whichever Cancer charity is local to you.Postscript: I learnt last night that Denise lost her battle with throat cancer. She was in a Hospice at the end, her family by her side. 11th August 2011.
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