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Explore Code-Based Design for Sewing Pattern Making

If you've ever experienced the cumbersome process of creating sewing patterns on paper, then programming your sewing patterns is a delightful and eco-friendly alternative worth exploring. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually redrawing sewing patterns for each size, and embrace the convenience of code-based pattern-making. By utilizing English letters, size constants, functions, variables, and string expressions, you can achieve remarkable results with ease.

Not only does programming allow you to save time and effort by reusing the same code for different sizes, but it also eliminates the need for excessive paper consumption. Say goodbye to stacks of sewing pattern papers and embrace a more sustainable approach to sewing pattern making. With every stitch you create using code, you're contributing to a greener future by reducing paper waste.

Moreover, programming your sewing patterns empowers you to explore new avenues and experiment with innovative techniques. With a few simple modifications to the code, you can effortlessly try out fresh design ideas, visualize the changes in real-time, and refine your patterns until they are perfect. The digital realm of sewing pattern-making offers unlimited possibilities for creativity and personal expression.

Whether you're a novice or an experienced sewist, programming your sewing patterns unlocks a world of convenience, flexibility, and ecological consciousness. Step away from the frustrations of the traditional paper method and embrace the digital revolution in pattern-making. Discover the joy of creating beautifully fitted garments while minimizing your impact on the environment. It's time to let your imagination soar and sew with sustainable sophistication.

Sewing Pattern Code

Language and Encodings:

In sewing pattern code, we use English letters to represent different parts of the pattern, like bust or hip. However, if you prefer using other languages, you can put the text in quotation marks to indicate it.

For example:

  • English encoding: type("Bottom Front", P1);
  • Russian encoding: type("Низ переда", P1);

Lines of Code:

Code instructions are separated by line breaks or semicolons. Both options are allowed, so you can choose whichever you find more comfortable. For example:

bust = sz16 + ea16;
hip = sz19 + ea19;

Measurement Units:

By default, numeric values in pattern code are interpreted as centimeters (cm) for distances and degrees for angles. The measurement unit depends on the function you are using. For example, the following code creates a new point that is 5 cm away from the first point and at a 90-degree angle from it:

P2 = apply(P1, 5, 90);


Comments: Sewing pattern code allows you to add comments to your instructions. Comments are notes that help you remember certain operations or test new approaches. When you add comments, they won't be executed by the software.

Sewist pattern designer supports both one-line comments and multiple-line comments.

To code a one-line comment, start the line with //. For example:

// neck = curve(P1, P2, 0, 90);

To code multiple-line comments, use /* at the beginning and */ at the end of the commented code. However, avoid nesting multiple-line comments within each other.

For example:

// Ease graded depending on the bust girth
bust = sz16 + grade(sz16(80, 2), (96, 1.5), (104, 1));
armhole = sz39;

Remember to back up your current code when testing new ideas or making changes.

That's it! Sewing pattern code is a comfortable alternative to designing sewing patterns on paper. With these detailed instructions, you can start using sewing pattern code to create your own unique garments.

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