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Sewing pockets can be done using a few different techniques depending on the type of pocket you want to create. Here's a general guide on how to sew basic patch pockets:
1. Prepare the fabric:

Determine the size and shape of the pocket you want to create. Cut two identical pieces of fabric for the pocket, adding seam allowances according to your desired measurements.
If desired, fold and press the edges of the pocket fabric to create a clean finish.
Pin or clip the pocket pieces:

Place the two fabric pieces together with the right sides facing each other.
Use pins or clips to secure the fabric along the edges, leaving an opening for turning the pocket right side out.
2. Sew the pocket:

Using a sewing machine or needle and thread, stitch along the edges of the pocket, leaving the opening unsewn. Use a ½ inch (1.27 cm) seam allowance.
Backstitch at the beginning and end of the stitching to secure the threads.
3. Trim and notch the corners:

Trim the excess fabric from the corners of the pocket, being careful not to cut through the stitches.
Optionally, notch the curved edges of the pocket to help the fabric lay flat when turned right side out.
Turn the pocket right side out:

Reach through the opening and gently pull the fabric through to turn the pocket right side out.
Use a blunt object, such as the tip of a pair of scissors, to push out the corners and edges for a crisp shape.
Press the pocket with an iron to smooth out any wrinkles and create a neat appearance. minecraftle game
4. Close the opening:

Fold the raw edges of the opening to the inside of the pocket.
Use pins or clips to hold the folded edges in place.
Stitch along the edge of the pocket, close to the folded opening, to secure it in place. This can be done either by hand or with a sewing machine.
5. Attach the pocket to your garment:

Determine the desired placement of the pocket on your garment.
Pin or baste the pocket in place, aligning it with the fabric surface.
Stitch the pocket to the garment, usually along the sides and bottom edges, using a sewing machine or needle and thread.

@tunnel rush, One option to correct a wrong
armhole size is to try using shoulder pads. Depending on the fit issue, adding
or adjusting shoulder pads can sometimes help redistribute the fabric around
the armhole area, improving the overall fit of the garment. Of course, if it's
a significant fit issue, consulting a professional tailor might be the best

Gamification of tasks infinite craft can make mundane activities more enjoyable and motivating.