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Pattern Drafting - gracelight 职位发布者 gracelight. 工作类型: 花样起草. 报价: 需要志愿者.
开始日期: 2017-6-7. 0 申请.
3 文章, 2 作家, 30 读者, 已开始 84 月前

已发布 84 月前 (Wednesday, June 7) 由 gracelight
This thread is to discuss Pattern Drafting - gracelight

已发布 84 月前 (Wednesday, June 7) 由 Lekala
Hello gracelight, what is this rectangular piece in the back?

这个帖子有回复: ( #3 )

这个帖子是回复 #2
已发布 84 月前 (Thursday, June 8) 由 gracelight
I think it is just a flap that hangs behind the peplum.  I am not really worried if that is not in the pattern.