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Missing a category or a tag? 7 posts, 2 escritores, 30 lectores, inició hace 104 meses

publicado hace 104 meses (Saturday, October 31) por Sewist
There is such a great variety of what you can do with fabric and needles, that we couldn't possibly think of all the categories and tags in the first place.

If you would like to add a pattern, but a category is missing, please let me know and I'll add it to the database right away :)

publicado hace 101 meses (Sunday, January 31) por Mandy
Could you advise on what I should do about my collection of vintage patterns? Many of these are from the main pattern companies - Simplicity, Burda, McCalls, etc. However, they are all out of print and date mainly from the 1970s and 1980s.
I have already posted one, a pattern from 1983 - my maroon pinafore dress. However, I didn't add a photo of the pattern since I felt it would be against your copyright rules.
Is there any specific advice now about these patterns?

publicado hace 101 meses (Wednesday, February 3) por Sewist
Hello Mandy,

We have an agreement with Simplicity, so you are welcome to add the patterns and I shall make sure we upload the photos asap. Just make a search before adding, as some of the patterns are already in the database.

I have not heard from neither Burda, nor McCall. We are still contemplating on how we would list these patterns, and it is probable that we shall allow adding images and turn them into low res copies on server so that they cannot be used for commercial damage and serve as an illustration to a pattern. 

I guess we shall offer a solution re photos by next week. :)

publicado hace 101 meses (Thursday, February 4) por Mandy
Thanks so much for your detailed response. I shall try adding the Simplicity patterns and wait to hear about the other makes.
By the way, I have noticed from another site, that Simplicity seems to repeat the same set of numbers after a few years. Do you have any suggestions should I find this happening with any of my patterns. 
For example, I discovered that Simplicity 6799 was a number used in the year 1966, for a dress. It was also used for a different dress pattern which I own. My pattern was printed in 1975.
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publicado hace 101 meses (Thursday, February 4) por Sewist
Oy! I wonder how they manage their databases? )))

If I am not mistaken, the database should allow adding this pattern nonetheless, and if it doesn't I shall simply ask the guys to take off this restraint in the database. 

The main thing would be to check if the pattern that is shown in the searh result is different from the one you are going to add.

publicado hace 101 meses (Tuesday, February 9) por Mandy
Thanks so much! Sorry to have been so slow in responding.
Yes, I do agree about the Simplicity pattern numbers. I really don't know if they still do this - repeating numbers after a few years. It does seem rather silly.

publicado hace 97 meses (Friday, May 27) por Sewist
I believe this has been fixed, in one of our previous releases.