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"bowie" Cell Phone Pouch / Clutch Bag


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With its snappy little bow, the pattydoo purse "Bowie" can be made in various sizes for your phone or smartphone. The larger size is a smart little clutch.

Commenti sulle taglie:

"Bowie" comes in a range of sizes, made to fit different smartphones. The largest size can be used as a clutch bag. More details can be found here:

Commenti sul tessuto:

Woven cotton fabrics, patchwork fabrics, faux leather, velvet, satin etc. Depending on which size you choose, you'll need somewhere between 30 and 40 cm (11 ¾" and 15 ¾") of fabric.

Commenti su extra:

More details can be found here:

Aggiunto da pattydoo su 11/nov/2015

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