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intercept (center,radius,point,angle,side)

  • Intercepts a circle drawn around a point, by an imaginary line drawn from a given point at a given angle, and places a point there. If used in if operator, will return true/false.

    Function parameters

  • center point of a circle
  • radius of the circle
  • point, from where the vector starts
  • angle, at which the vector is directed
  • (optional) parameter defining whether the first or the second point is needed, 1 by default


    It is mandatory to name the new point.

    You can use mathematical equations, variables, object properties and size constants in syntax.

    p3=intercept(p1, 25, p2, 165) // the 5th parameter is implied to be 1 (first point)
    p4=intercept(p1, 25, p2, 165, 2)

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    adjacent (point1,point2,length,side)