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514 words EN-FR for mix and match designer
Tipo Traducción
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Precio de oferta 1 LEKALA pattern + 5 SEWIST patterns ($13.50)
Lengua de Inglés
Idioma de destino Francés
Se aplican por 27/01/2021
Empieza 30/01/2021
Requerido por 06/02/2021
Texto de ejemplo (45) Sew Side Backs to Center Backs. Clip into the seam allowance along the curve. Serge the seams and press towards the center. Treat as one piece (Back) in the future.

(46) Sew Side Backs to Center Backs. Clip into the seam allowance along the curve. Serge the seams and press towards the center. Treat as one piece (Backs) in the future.

(47) Fold sleeve cap in two near arrow mark, right sides together, and sew. Sew sleeves into armholes matching notches and shoulder seam. Gather ease on cap below dash mark. Serge and press towards sleeve.

(48) WAISTBAND:- Serge edges of the waistband. Pin waistband to skirt, right sides together, so that the short edge matches the center edge of the right back. Match notches. The left side of the waistband will be longer than the center edge of the left skirt. Sew along the waistband and press towards waistband. - Fold waistband in half lengthwise right sides together and sew the short edge of the waistband and the distance to center edge of the left side back. Trim corners, turn the waistband the right side out and press. - Turn lower seam allowance on inner waistband under, pin in place and stitch-in-the-ditch into seam between skirt and waistband, from the right side. - Make buttonhole on the left side of the waistband and sew a button onto the right side of the waistband according to markings.

(49) Make and baste pleats on cuff. Press. Pin cuff onto sleeve, right sides together, and sew. Serge and press towards cuff. Fold seam allowance along the other edge of the cuff under and pin it to the cuff seam from the wrong side. Stitch in the ditch from the right side. Sew sleeves into armholes matching notches and gathering ease on cap. Serge and press towards sleeve. Sew sleeve seams and continue to sew side seams. Serge and press towards back.

(50) Make and baste pleats on cuff. Pin cuff to upper sleeve, right sides together, and sew. Serge and press towards sleeve.

(51) BUTTON PLACKET - Sew longer edge of button placket to center front. Press towards placket. - Fold placket in half, right sides together, and sew upper corner. Trim corners, clip into corners. Turn the placket right side out, straighten the corner, and press. - Repeat for the other side.

(52) - Turn under seam allowance along inner edge of button placket, pin to the seam between placket and front, and stitch in the ditch from the right side. - Repeat for the other side. - Make buttonholes on right placket, sew on buttons on left placket according to the markings.

(53) WAIST INSET. - Sew Front Waist Inset to Front Bodice matching notches. Serge and press towards inset. - Treat the resulting piece as Front Bodice in the future. - Sew Back Waist Insets to Back Bodices pairwise, matching notches. Serge and press towards inset. - Treat the resulting pieces as Back Bodices in the future.

(54) Pin upper edge of sleeve flounce to lower edge of sleeve, right sides together, and sew. Clip into curves, serge and press towards flounce.
Descripción Please see the text to be translated above.
The deadlines are approximate - we shall send the gift certificates immediately after the translation is submitted ;)
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Añadido en: 20/01/2021 Asignado a:
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16/02/2021 02:30
Translation - 3002 Sewist 3002 Empleo publicado por Sewist. Tipo de empleo: Traducción. Precio de oferta: 1 LEKALA pattern + 5 SEWIST patterns ($13.50).
Fecha inicio: 30/01/2021. Fecha final: 06/02/2021. 1 aplicaciones.
1 posts, 1 escritores, 2 lectores, inició hace 42 meses

publicado hace 42 meses (Wednesday, January 20) por Sewist
This thread is to discuss Translation - 3002 Sewist 3002