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502 words EN-ES for mix and match designer
Type Translation
Status close
Price Offer 1 LEKALA pattern + 5 SEWIST patterns ($13.50)
Language From English
Target Language Spanish
Apply by Jan 27, 2021
Start Jan 30, 2021
Required by Feb 13, 2021
Sample Text (137) COWL NECK - Serge the outer edge of Back Neckline Facings. Pin Back Neckline Facing onto Shell right sides together, adjusting neckline edges. Fold the facing away all the way along EXCEPT for the area 5 mm from the edge of dress zipper (or center back edge if the back has an opening) and pin it to upper edge of garment. Fold seam allowances along zipper ((or center back edge) onto right side and pin to neckline on top of facings. - Sew the back neckline. Clip into curves, trim the corners, turn pieces right side out and press. - Serge the upper edge of the Front. Turn the seam allowance under and topstitch or slip stitch as desired. - Slip stitch the seam allowance along the upper edge of the Front to the Back Neckline Facing and to the seam allowances of shoulder seam on Shell. - Slipstitch Back Neckline Facing to zipper tape, or the seam allowances along the center back edge, in case the back has an opening at the top.

(138) PATCH POCKETS WITH ONE PIECE FLAP Serge all edges of pocket and pocket facing. Pin pocket top facing to pocket, wrong sides together, and sew. Trim corners, clip into curves and turn the flap right side out. Topstitch the flap edge at 0.5 cm. Press side and lower sides of pocket onto wrong side (you may want to use a pattern block for the pocket cut from cardboard to make this step easier). Place the pocket on front according to marks, baste in place, and topstitch, making fixing stitches near the pocket opening line just below the flap fold line. Turn the flap down, optionally tack it with invisible stitches to the pocket.

(139) PETAL POCKETS - Sew the smaller petal to the bigger petal matching the marking. Serge and press towards the bigger petal. - Serge the outer edge of the pocket. - Serge the inner edge of the pocket facing. Pin the pocket facing onto the pocket, matching the upper edge, and sew along the upper edge of the pocket, and the vertical edge of the pocket facing. Clip into curves, trim corners. Fold the facing onto wrong side and press. Sew a decorative stitch along the edge of the bigger pocket (see technical drawing). - Press side edges of pocket onto wrong side (you may want to use a pattern block for the pocket cut from cardboard to make this step easier). - Place the pocket on front according to marks, baste in place, and topstitch, making fixing stitches near the pocket opening.

(142) Sew the sleeve seams. Serge and press towards lower sleeve.

(143) Apply fusible interfacing to the area of button placket (one-piece with front). Serge center edge of the Front. Fold the button placket facing (one-piece with the front) onto right side along the marked line. Sew the upper edge up to notch, and the lower horizontal edge along the hem line. Clip into seam allowance near the notch, turn center front facing onto wrong side, straighten, press.
Description Please see the text to be translated above.
The deadlines are approximate - we shall send the gift certificates immediately after the translation is submitted ;)
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Added on: Feb 2, 2021
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Translation - 502 words EN-ES for mix and match designer Job posted by Sewist. Job type: Translation. Price Offer: 1 LEKALA pattern + 5 SEWIST patterns ($13.50).
Start date: Jan 30, 2021. Deadline: Feb 13, 2021. 0 applications.
1 posts, 1 writers, 2 readers, started 41 months ago

posted 41 months ago (Tuesday, February 2) by Sewist
This thread is to discuss Translation - 502 words EN-ES for mix and match designer

posted 5 months ago (Wednesday, January 24), edited 5 months ago by emmausa
Post deleted