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Hedgepig pin cushion

お名前 Hedgepig pin cushion
ステータス 完了
受信者 Hilary and Rosemary
始めた 2015/12/10
完了 2015/12/12
進度 100 %
プライバシー 公開
ノート The pattern for this pin cushion is based on an article in the November issue of Burda magazine. Sadly, I was not able to locate the pattern advertised in the website. Since I really wanted to make these, I made my own pattern based on the photos in the magazine. In the end I made two of these, but sadly only remembered to take photos of the second one which will be for Rosemary, my younger daughter. She has two of my old, rather battered pin cushions and I felt she deserved something much better. "Hedgepig" is a family name for the "hedgehog". Both were made from commercial felt, with glass headed pins.
  • /user/zibergirl

    zibergirl on 2015/12/15

    That's so cute! Do you have a a place where you share your pattern?
    I'd love to make one too!
