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Love at First Stitch: Demystifying Dressmaking
Tilly Walnes
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Язык: Английский
1 выкроек
Love at First Stitch gives you all the know-how you need to start making the dresses of your dreams. Written for novice stitchers by the author of the popular sewing blog Tilly and the Buttons, Tilly Walnes demystifies dressmaking for the generations that have never been taught to sew. This book presents the core sewing basics in an informal style, with Tilly's friendly and encouraging voice cheering the reader on throughout. Instead of overwhelming the novice dressmaker with theory, this book is about learning by doing. Each chapter presents practical tips and inspiration to guide you through creating a made-to-measure garment from one of the seven versatile and adaptable patterns included with the book, which can then be personalised to suit your individual style. Peppered throughout the book are Tilly's top sewing tips, including everything from what to look out for when buying - or borrowing - your first sewing machine, through how to behave in a fabric shop to appear like an expert, to techniques for pressing perfection. ----- Note this entry is for the UK Edition. The US version has a separate ISBN.
Добавлено пользователем dichohecho 17 нояб. 2015 г.