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Changing sz measurements 2 投稿, 2 作家, 21 読者, 開始しました 49ヶ月前

投稿された49ヶ月前(Monday, May 4) nukilearnstosew
I am a home sewer. I was wondering if I can code my own sz measurements into each pattern I make in the online programme.
If so what is the code?
Is it something like new sz17 = sz17 + 0.5

If it is, can I make a list, and copy/paste this into every template I want to sew, so that I get a much more accurate pattern? 

Is there a tutorial for this?

Thank you for your help.
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投稿された49ヶ月前(Monday, May 4) Sewist

The sz variables cannot be overwritten. There are two options:
You can create a new variable as in underbust=sz17+0.5
edit the saved size in PRO mode and fix the sz17 as you see fit. Please make sure to double check the other measurements of this size in this case, as they will not be recalculated to match the new sz17 automatically.

Hope this helps!