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Saving fabric estimator layouts 1 posts, 1 escritores, 5 lectores, inició hace 24 meses

publicado hace 24 meses (Sunday, May 8) por Sazu
I have to just say a massive thank you to all the work you've put in creating the fabric estimator. You've made me realise how much fabric I could save!

I wondered if there is already, or if you would consider adding a feature whereby it would be possible to save the generated layout as a true-to-scale pdf that I could then project onto my fabric to assist with where to layout the pieces? Having them all unfolded and the right way round, with the right number of them would also be a massive time saver and rescue my from many blunders when it comes to mirroring, as well as only having to find the grain once! Would be a game changer.

publicado hace 3 meses (Tuesday, January 16), editado hace 3 meses por wilkinsonwilfrid01_gmail
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