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Version 0.3 of Sewist Online Pattern Designer

We are happy to announce release of Version 0.3 of Sewist Online Pattern Designer.

New features added:

- The pattern blocks may now be printed out not only in default black, but in any other chosen color. Use parameter “outline” in pattern command.
- You can now use dotted line to style your lines, curves, arcs and paths. Use command dot(objects)

- You can now set different seam allowances for various sections of a pattern contour. Use parameter “extra” in pattern command.


- You can now rotate a whole pattern block using rotate command.
- Added button for previewing a pattern with and without seam allowances for general public.
- In real size preview, if you moved blocks and are trying to leave a page without saving the current layout, the system will now ask you if you are sure you didn’t forget to export your files.

- Added a cheat list of symbols for use in text marks. 

Bugs fixed:

- Fixed a bug in small printout.

- Fixed a bug that could have occurred when creating a copy of a pattern.

- And a bunch of small things.

Was it useful? Are we missing anything? Let us know in Sewist Online Designer Group!