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Type ("texte",point,angle,taille). Round (nombre)

Professional patterns feature not only marks, but also texts on the pattern blocks.

In Sewist, the command type lets you add any texts to the draft. You can style your texts in many different ways, and we are going to cover only the default settings in this manual. If you'd like to learn more, please see the documentation on the type command.

Looking at our skirt pattern,  we could add several texts here to mark center front, center back, and mention the required length of the zipper.

Let us type the text Center front next to point H1, upwards, so that it will be inside the future pattern block. Remember to include the desired text into quotation marks to make it a string, not a variable.

text_center_front=type("Center front",H1,-90)
Angle of -90 degrees stands for upwards. By default the text size is 1 cm. If you omit the name of the text object, it will be created automatically using the name of the point - T_H1 in this case.

For center back, I will type a text next to W2, downwards:

text_center_back=type("Center back",w2,90)
Angle of 90 degrees stands for downwards.

You may also want to include blocks of text, such as useful information or sewing directions on a pattern block. For example, the minimal length of a zipper for this size and where it is inserted. We don't need to print its length with the utmost precision, so we shall round it. The syntax of the round function is simple, but you may want to have a look at the documentation on round.

So, the length of the zipper is:

min_zipper=round( [w2:h2].l, 1)
I shall round it to one decimal after comma.

To include a variable into a text, use + signs on both sides of a variable, for example:

text_zipper=type("Minimal zipper length is "+min_zipper+" cm",H2,90)

Since we used a formula here, the zipper length will be recalculated every time for each individual size and height.

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