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Impression du patron de couture

Once you are happy with your pattern you may print it out in real size.

To do this, please click this button to preview real size printout.

The system will offer you a preview of the pattern blocks laid out on a grid showing the currently selected format. By default the format is A4.

To change the format, simply click the corresponding button in the right menu, e.g. Tabloid:

To generate a pattern, click the button in top right panel or the big brown button in the right panel,

The pattern request will be saved on server and processed within several minutes. You can track the progress and download a ready file in the Pattern Downloads section. You can jump to it from the print preview window clicking on this button in the top right panel.

In order to return to the Sewist pattern editor window, click this button in the top right panel.

Article précédent

Impression d'un patron de couture en taille miniature

Article suivant

Modification de la position des pièces du patron de couture avant l'impression