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How to Edit Specific Size Measurements for Precise Tailoring

Embracing Individuality:

Our state-of-the-art software processes size measurements using an extensive database of averages. However, we recognize that these averages may not capture your individual characteristics. That's where our customization options come in. We value these differences and offer an exceptional opportunity to customize your sewing pattern according to your individual measurements and ensure a flawless fit that accentuates your unique features.

Creating a New Size Profile

Updating your size is a breeze. Simply visit our website and register an account. Once registered, you'll have access to our user-friendly size editor tool at My Sizes. There, you can create a new size profile that accurately reflects your primary measurements. Our software will process your information, allowing you to achieve a tailored fit like never before.

Comprehensive Size Guide

Once you have registered your new size profile, our system will process the information. To fine-tune specific measurements, refer to our comprehensive Size Guide. This guide provides detailed instructions on adjusting measurements based on your customized size.

Interconnected Measurements

It is essential to recognize that various measurements are interconnected. Therefore, if you decide to modify the neck girth, it is crucial to update the measurements taken from the neck points as well. This ensures overall proportion and a harmonious fit.

Free Previews

We understand that getting the fit just right can be challenging, which is why we provide free previews for all sewing patterns. Take advantage of this opportunity to review how the sewing pattern aligns with your modifications. Achieving the perfect fit on the first attempt can be challenging. By reviewing the free preview of a sewing pattern, you can ensure that it aligns with your modifications. Once the preview looks correct, feel free to sew another muslin to double-check the fit and make any necessary refinements.

At Sewist, we're passionate about helping you bring your sewing projects to life with a fit that's uniquely yours. Explore our extensive collection of sewing patterns today and experience the joy of wearing garments that fit you perfectly. Should you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for assistance.

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