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Configuración avanzada de un patrón de costura

hide code
The settings popover window has some further settings. We shall briefly cover them in this article. 

The advanced settings are:

- Use as template
- Make public
- Hide code from other users

 The combination of these lets you organize your library, create templates, make patterns visible to yourself only, or share pattern with others if you desire to do so - either showing the code, or just making your pattern available as a template, leaving the code private.

The most straightforward setting is Make public. If you don't click this button, no one but you will be able to see this pattern. If you set a pattern to public, you may let others view your pattern and download patterns in PDF, and/or see the actual code of the pattern, and/or use it as a template - this will depend on the other two settings. No one will be able to edit and save a new version of your own pattern, no matter if it is public or private.

If you click the field Use as template, the pattern will be added to the menu of available templates available at button. If your pattern is private, only you can use this pattern as a template. If your pattern is public, all users will be able to choose the pattern from this menu. Be careful with editing a pattern that is set as a template, as you may occasionally delete some of the objects that are essential for further pattern modifications.

And  last, but not the least, if you click the setting Hide code from other users, no one will be able to see the code but you. After all, the pattern draft is your intellectual property, and you may choose to let other users use the pattern, but not your pattern drafting methods. The pattern may still be made public, and may be even made a public template. In that case, the users will be able to insert the result of your pattern draft into their draft and base further pattern modifications on your pattern as a basic sloper.

If other users access a pattern that you made public, but hid the code, they are going to see the following notification instead of the code. Of course, they won't be able copy the pattern either.

Make publicUse as templateHide code Your settings for your pattern
---Only you can view the pattern in the library, or access it online. Only you can see the code. The pattern is not included in the template menu.
Recommended for private WIPs.
x--Other users may view the graphic result of your pattern drafting. The pattern is not included in the template menu. Only you can see the code.
Recommended for patterns that you are planning to sell or offer as free downloads.
-x-Only you can find the pattern in the library, and see the pattern draft. The pattern is present in your template menu, but can't be used as a template by other users and is not visible in their template menu.
Recommended for the basic pattern blocks that you create for your personal use.
--xOnly you can view the pattern in the library, or access it online. Only you can see the code. The pattern is not included in the template menu.
If you want to share your pattern draft with others - make it public!
xx-Other users may view the graphic result of your pattern drafting, and the link to the pattern is included in their template menu. Only you can see the code.
Recommended for patterns that you are ready to offer as public templates, but protect your drafting code. Make sure not to make drastic changes to the code, as others' work may suffer.
x-xOther users may view the graphic result of your pattern drafting, they can see the code, and they can copy the code into their own patterns. The pattern cannot be used as a template. 
Recommended for WIPs that you are ready to share with the community, but are likely to change in the future.
-xxOnly you can find the pattern in the library, and see the pattern draft. The pattern is present in your template menu, but can't be used as a template by other users and is not visible in their template menu.
If you want to share your pattern draft with others - make it public!
xxxOther users may view the graphic result of your pattern drafting, and the link to the pattern is included into their template menu. Other users may see and copy your code.
Recommended for patterns that you are ready to offer as public templates - and are ready to share the pattern drafting method with the community.
Good for educational purposes.
 Make sure not to make drastic changes to the code, as others' work may suffer.

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Cómo hacer un nuevo patrón de costura

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Cómo seleccionar el tamaño para un patrón de costura