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Apply (punt, afstand, hoek). Lengte van virtuele lijn [punt1:punt2].l

length property
virtual line
Last time we placed some points for a skirt pattern using the command point. We had to do some calculations of x and y coordinates. Now we will learn a new command that will instantly "Apply" a calculated distance between the x and y coordinates.

There is a command in Sewist language that lets you simply apply some distance from a point, and it is called apply.

 We are going to stick to the same skirt pattern we started last time. We'll just make it better and simpler. As you might remember, we made it parametric, so it gets redrafted for individual sizes effortlessly. We used the following size constants:

sz19Hip girth
sz7Waist height
sz9Height of knee point
For more info and figures please see the Size guide

We return to our 6 points. 

Last time all of them were placed using the point command. This time we shall use command point only once, for placing the first point.


Now, point P2 is to the right from point P1, and the distance between them is half of hip girth (sz19) plus ease allowance. So we can simply apply this distance from point P1 to the right and place point P2, like this:

0 degrees is to the right, along the X axis.

Point P3 is in between P1 and P2. We need to apply one half of the length of an virtual line P1-P2, from P1, to the right. 

Virtual line can be described as [P1:P2], and its length stands for property .l
So the length of an virtual line between P1 and P2 can be written down as [P1:P2].l, or [p1:p2].l
Let's divide this length by two and place it to the right from P1. 


Point P2 was placed using parametric approach using a size constant. Point P3 will also be placed parametrically for every size, as we used a formula and it will be recalculated by the software for each and every size.

Now, let's work on the bottom edge of our skirt. Our skirt is knee length, that is sz7-sz9. We need to apply this distance down from the existing points, so at 90 degrees. P4 is right below P1:

90 degrees is downwards.

We repeat these commands for P5 and P6, we only need to apply from P2 and P3 correspondingly:


The pattern drafting result is the same, but the pattern code is much more straightforward and simple.

Vorig artikel

Point(x,y). Variabelen voor maatmetingen.

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Volgende artikel

Meet(punt,hoek,punt,hoek). Variabelen gebruiken.